Event report
Meet the Founder with LOTUS
We had an insightful session with Alexis Roman, Co-Founder & CEO of Lotus, during our inaugural "Meet the Founder" breakfast meeting at Lotus offices.
Our first "Meet the Founder" breakfast meeting series today was a resounding success!
We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us for the roundtable session. Special appreciation goes to our speakers, Alexis Roman (Co-founder and CEO at Lotus), and Patrick Russell (Chief Revenue Officer at Lotus), for providing us with valuable insights into their innovative platform. Additionally, we would like to thank Appollo Karanja, Head of Finance at Lami, for sharing his experience working with Lotus.
Key highlights from the event:
- Offers 24/7 online business banking for SMEs in Africa, providing advanced payment solutions, collection tools, and payout services.
- Provides collection tools to help businesses take control of their receivables and centralize their collection channels.
- Offers payout services that help businesses pay vendors, suppliers, and employees faster and cheaper.
- Supports businesses across multiple currencies and accounts as they manage payments globally.
Appollo Karanja from Lami shared how working with Lotus has transformed their business. Lotus's platform has made payments seamless and efficient for Lami, enabling them to better serve their clients on a day to day basis.
We extend our gratitude to all attendees for actively engaging with the team and asking insightful questions that enriched the discussion. Backed by experienced founders and investors, Lotus is revolutionizing financial services in Africa!