Event report

Leadership Talks#4: Making The Right Decision

Recap of Leadership Talks#4 on the right decision making.

 On Tuesday the 23rd of January 2024, we held a leadership training in partnership with one of our members Caroline Englund, Managing Director at Empactive Solutions.

We discussed primary decision-making types and how to make them effective as outlined below :

  •  Rational Decision-Maker - Master decision-making by balancing analysis with timely choices.
  •  Intuitive Decision-Maker - Validate instincts through feedback and reflection.
  •  Dependent Decision-Maker - Build confidence by taking on more responsibility gradually.
  •  Avoidant Decision-Maker -Overcome avoidant tendencies with achievable goals.
  •  Spontaneous Decision-Maker - Pause to consider the long-term impacts of spontaneous decisions.
  •  Versatile Decision-Maker - Foster versatility through a core decision framework.

Additionally, we explored the nuanced concept of decision fatigue, understanding the varying scales of choices, and the significance of effective delegation by recognizing that what may seem small to one can be significant to another. Empowering teams through smart delegation, and aligning decisions with skills and roles were some of the solutions mentioned to reduce fatigue.

A heartfelt thank you to Empactive Solutions, and Caroline Englund for the insightful presentation today! 

Special thanks to all attendees for joining us! Your presence made this session valuable and engaging. Here's to cultivating a culture of confident and strategic leadership!

Access the Presentation. (Only for Members)

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