Event report

Coffee Meeting: Adapting your Employment Contracts in light of the COVID-19 Situation by Kaplan & Stratton (Physical Event)

During this coffee meeting, Sarah Kiarie-Muia, Partner, Kaplan & Stratton shared insights on how employers could adapt their labour approach to the COVID19 pandemic. Below are some highlights from the presentation:

There is a renewed emphasis on health and safety that business should abide by in addition to the measures previously put in place.

Remote working will become a new reality and as such, employers should consider identifying the roles that can be fulfilled fully remotely, hybrid and those that cannot be undertaken remotely. They should also amend their employment contracts to facilitate this.

Any proposed changes must be accepted by the employees therefore employers should engage the employees accordingly explaining why the change is required, adopting humane negotiation tactics and ensuring that there is fairness, transparency and openness in the process.

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