Event report
Breakfast with Trace East Africa
Understand the Media Landscape in Kenya!
Today’s Breakfast Meeting with Trace East Africa was an engaging event that delved into Kenya’s dynamic media landscape. Our Executive Director Laure Paugam opened the session, setting the stage for a lively discussion led by Danny Mucira, Managing Director at Trace East Africa.
Danny emphasized the crucial intersection of traditional and new media, and the necessity for platforms to adapt to a market dominated by younger generations.
Highlights from the discussion included:
- The enduring relevance of TV and radio (Traditional Media) in rural areas.
- The dominance of digital media in urban regions due to extensive internet penetration.
- The immense power of digital platforms in mobilizing people quickly and cost-effectively.
- Trace’s commitment to entertaining and empowering through culture, community, technology, and content.
- Trace Academia's role in upskilling youth and leveraging user-generated content to reach a broader audience.
Attendees had the opportunity to discuss monetization and royalty collection for artists and explore how Trace Academia integrates industry expertise into its courses.
Thank you to all participants for making the discussion vibrant and insightful. Together, we can continue to innovate and shape the future of Kenya’s media landscape!