Event report
Annual General Meeting 2020
The Annual General Meeting 2020 was held online this year, in line with the measures against the spread of covid-19. The opening remarks were given by Mr. Jean-Pascal Naud, President of the French Chamber Kenya, as well as an introductory message by H.E. Mrs. Aline KUSTER-MENAGER, Ambassador of France to Kenya.The agenda was as follows:
- Opening by Mr. Jean Pascal NAUD, President of the French Chamber
- Approval of 2019 AGM minutes
- Presentation of the Annual Report 2019 by Mrs. Justine de Guerre, Executive director of the French Chamber.
- Presentation of the Financial Report 2019 by Mr. Jean-Pascal Naud
- Appointment of the auditors for the financial year 2020
- Appointment of 3 Board Members
- Update on company registration by Mr. Jean-Baptist Blanc
- Any other business
We are thankful to the executive Committee, board members and fellow attendees for your participation.