Event report

Annual General Meeting 2020

The Annual General Meeting 2020 was held online this year, in line with the measures against the spread of covid-19. The opening remarks were given by Mr. Jean-Pascal Naud, President of the French Chamber Kenya, as well as an introductory message by H.E. Mrs. Aline KUSTER-MENAGER, Ambassador of France to Kenya.The agenda was as follows:

  1. Opening by Mr. Jean Pascal NAUD, President of the French Chamber
  2. Approval of 2019 AGM minutes
  3. Presentation of the Annual Report 2019 by Mrs. Justine de Guerre, Executive director of the French Chamber.
  4. Presentation of the Financial Report 2019 by Mr. Jean-Pascal Naud 
  5. Appointment of the auditors for the financial year 2020
  6. Appointment of 3 Board Members
  7. Update on company registration by Mr. Jean-Baptist Blanc
  8. Any other business

We are thankful to the executive Committee, board members and fellow attendees for your participation.

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