Silver Membership


This category is dedicated to SMEs with over 3 but less than 50 employees worldwide who are looking to develop their business as well as get new connections and opportunities through the French Chamber.


  • Events
    • Member price for all our physical events
    • Free access to all our digital events
    • Access to all our event recordings on your private member space
    • Access to events of other French Chambers Worldwide
  • Business Services
    • Access to our job board with the possibility to review resumes shared as well as share your job openings 
    • Member price for all our business services 
    • Possibility to participate in the French Chamber's sectoral business committees 
    • Access to French Chambers' business trainings at a discounted rate
    • Access to the French Chamber Tender Sharing Service to view available tenders and share your tenders 
  • Business connections and networking
    • Access to our directory of member companies in Kenya with the possibility to have the French Chamber introduce you to member companies of your choice
    • Access to the member directory of other French Chambers worldwide
  • Communications
    • Company profile and one contact person in the directory
    • Company highlight on our website and newsletter when joining the French Chamber
    • Relay of your corporate communication and news on the French Chamber's social media pages (twice a year)
    • Access to enjoy and share member-to-member special offers and discounts
    • Access to the French Chamber weekly newsletter/ press review
  • Others
    • Voting rights at the French Chamber's annual general meeting